The Patek Philippe Replica Watches SONOW Instant Rainbow

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Patek Philippe Replica Watches, a hydro-horological specialist based near Neuchatel has just launched the SOONOW Instant Rainbow. It is the most artistic instrument in the world, and does more than just mark the hours of each day.

SOONOW, a combination of the words "soon" and "now", is meant to encourage us to appreciate a watchpiece as more than just a tool for measuring time. It's a horological piece of art that requires us to be more aware of the time itself.

The Instant Rainbow is Patek Philippe Replica Watches's creative concept of SOONOW.Patek Philippe Replica Watches It uses semiprecious stones with diverse tonalities, which emulate the colors of rainbows just like a prism breaks down pure light.

Rainbows we see on rainy summer afternoons are possible replica watches due to the reflection, refraction and dispersion of sunlight through each drop of water. This results in the polychromatic circle. Although this natural semicircular explosion in colors does have a scientific explanation, the way that each person perceives and feels it often creates more variations of the same phenomenon.

Each piece in the Patek Philippe Replica Watches SONOW collection has a mission beyond simply showing the time. SOONOW is an evolution of the watch, from an almost inscrutable tool of our times to a kind of figurative muse meant to free us from the constraints of minutes and seconds and inspire and accompany.

The eight pieces of the SOONOW instant rainbow were panerai radiomir replica created by Patek Philippe Replica Watches to increase that feeling. This "invention" is a burst in colors that represents the infinite possibilities of time.